Training Packages
Build Proficiency - Course/Kurs - 5 hours of individual training (flexible)
EUR 325,-
Your tailor-made training to build proficiency. Includes a pdf. training document / Dein individuelles Training, um die Sprachkompetenz auszubauen. Pdf.-Lernunterlage inklusive.
All sessions are prepared individually, but we follow the principle of "The Language Traffic Pattern" / Jede individuell vorbereitete Einheit folgt dem Muster einer Platzrunde:
Departure Briefing
We meet for a short call to get to know each other and discuss your needs. / Wir treffen uns zu einem kurzen Call um deine Bedürfnisse herauszufinden.
Each of the 5 sessions will take about 60 minutes / Es folgen 5 Trainingseinheiten à 60 Minuten:
1 Take-off
It's all about aviation and the topics you enjoy / Wir sprechen über Themen aus der Luftfahrt, die dich interessieren (Focus Vocabulary and Pronunciation)
2 Crosswind
We review the essential grammar and syntax / Wir wiederholen relevante Inhalte aus Grammatik und Syntax (Focus Structure)
3 Downwind
A deep dive to strengthen your knowledge / Wir vertiefen das Gelernte in anwendungsorientierten Situationen (Focus Comprehension)
4 Base
A challenging summary of everything you have learnt / Wir "challengen" dein Wissen, du wirst auf die Landung vorbereitet (Focus Interaction und Fluency)
5 Final
We run a mock exam / Wir spielen eine beispielhafte Prüfung durch
Allow some time for self-study between the sessions, which we will agree individually. The focus is on speaking/ Nach den einzelnen Einheiten solltest du Zeit fürs Selbststudium einplanen. Die Termine vereinbaren wir individuell. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf gesprochenem Englisch.
You touch down by taking your ICAO exam with an examiner / Die Landung ist deine ICAO Prüfung, die du bei einem Prüfer ablegen kannst.
A PPL Journey in English
EUR 490,-
You are a PPL student or licence holder, but you could do with a brush up of everything you learned in English? The aim of this course is to give you good contextual understanding of aviation terminology in English. In order to make it as tangible and realistic as possible, this course is based on an imaginary VFR journey with a Cessna 172, touching on all the relevant items of the PPL syllabus (from aircraft knowledge to meteorology).
8 sessions of about 1 hour each. Highly individual training, with radio telephony and language practice in between (grammar and vocabulary) to boost your English. You will receive the course material as a pdf. (ca. 110 pages).
Build Proficiency - Training session of 60-70 min (flexible)
EUR 65,-
Your individual training to brush up your skills - a refresher for your exam / Individuelles Sprachtraining für alle, die ihre Proficiency steigern und sich auf die Prüfung vorbereiten wollen.
Date agreed individually / Den Termin vereinbaren wir individuell.
UK Flying Tutorial
EUR 65,-
Planning to cross the Channel? In this 60-minute individual online session (also in German or French) we will talk about all you need to know to feel confident with LARS, Basic Service, MATZ and Overhead Joins. The tutorial includes a section on typical Radio Telephony phraseology in the UK. You will receive a pdf. summary together with useful links, e. g. for NATS and MetOffice resources. And most importantly: there will be time for your questions!